Index | Nursing conferences | Best Nursing conference | Nursing education | Nursing Types | Critical care and Emergency | Nursing Health care and management | Legal Nursing and Practitioner | Nursing Management | Pediatrics Nursing | Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing | Nutrition and Health | Surgical Nursing | Dental Nursing | Midwifery Nursing | Women health nursing | Risk Factors in Nursing and Healthcare professionals | Cardiovascular Nursing | Patient care

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Nursing Education 2022

About Conference

On behalf of ConferenceSeriesLLC Ltd, we heartly invite you to the “58th World Meet On Nursing and Nursing Practice” on November 16 - 17 , 2021 in Tokyo, Japan.

Nursing Education 2021 in Tokyo is one of the largest international meetings on advanced practice nursing. With more than 100 advanced practice nurses such as nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse anaesthetists, nurse midwives, and nurse consultants, along with researchers, educators, administrators, policy makers and students expected to attend the conference. Nursing Education 2021 promises to be an exciting and rewarding opportunity to learn together.

Nursing Education 2021 is one of the Nursing meetings which will be visited by all the prestigious Nurses, Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurses, Postgraduates, Affiliations, Healthcare Doctors, and Healthcare specialists under a solitary rooftop. Nursing Education 2021 will help to framework organizations, B2B teaming up amidst specialists and academicians. We have dealt with various compelling Nursing events and Healthcare gatherings and developed incredible relations bringing the researchers and associations together.

ConferenceSeries LLC Ltd deals with a meeting course of action of 1000+ Global Events thorough of 300+ Conferences, 500+ Upcoming and Previous Symposiums and Workshops in USA, Europe and Asia with sponsorship from 1000 more sensible social requests and disseminates 700+ Open get to journals which contains more than 30000 unmistakable personalities, reputed specialists as article board people.

Why Should You Attend?

Networking – Participating in nursing conferences gives you a way to meet, interact with, and make contacts with other experts in your area of speciality. Most conferences will have authors, researchers, or clinicians who are recognized experts in their field. You will get an incredible chance to interact with these individuals in a question and answer format. A real-time opportunity to have your questions answered by those with a proven track record. Furthermore, you can connect with nurses from other locations throughout the country to see how they approach similar dilemmas that you face as well as develop new professional relationships. Friendly suggestion: Before you attend the conference it’s a good idea to create your own business cards so you can easily share your contact information to others.

Continuing education and skill development Nursing conferences offer a chance for you to learn about several educational advancements in one place. Presentations are designed to introduce you to new technologies, train you to use new equipments, or provide you with the opportunity to attend break-out sessions where you learn about the latest advances in your area of expertise. Consider nursing conferences to be a one-stop opportunity to get up-to-date with the latest technologies and practices.

Career advancement – Keeping up with new advances in the profession will help you to advance your career and potentially allow you to earn more money. Employers would see that you are committed to your job and attending conferences is one way you can show your employers that you are high-spirited learner and up-skill your career-graph. Some conferences provide you with special training sessions for new equipments or technologies that will benefit the patients and unit where you work. Take advantages of these opportunities by volunteering to be the lead trainer for new technology in your current workplace. The new skills that you have learnt, may help you train other staff members in your unit, receive a job promotion, or expose you to new business opportunities. 

Target Audience:

  • Nursing Faculty
  • Nursing & Healthcare Researchers
  • Nursing Students
  • Healthcare Associations and Societies
  • Business Entrepreneurs
  • Manufacturing Medical Devices Companies

Conference Highlights:

  • Nursing Types
  • Nursing Management
  • Nursing Education
  • Nursing Practice
  • Pediatrics Nursing
  • Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
  • Nutrition and Health
  • Surgical Nursing
  • Dental Nursing
  • Midwifery Nursing
  • Women Health Nursing
  • Risk Factors in Nursing and Healthcare professionals
  • Cardiovascular Nursing
  • Critical care and Emergency Nursing
  • Health care and Management
  • Legal Nursing and Practitioner


Scientific Sessions

Session 1: Current Trends in Nursing Practice

Nursing professionals around the world are experiencing an array of changes as the healthcare industry is continuously adapting more advanced technology and medical trends. Nurses adapt themselves to various fields of medicine and medical research, and many new fields of medical research require the assistance of nurses. Some of them are: Genetics nursing, Stem-cell technology nursing, Fertility nursing, Holistic nursing, etc. This session covers such new fields and its requirements.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 2: Evidence Based Clinical Practice

Evidence based clinical practice gives better outcomes, the need for nurses who are trained in evidence-based nursing is increasing. It requires nurses to use analytical skills and decision-making skills to successfully deal with clinical situations. Since nurses spend more time with the patients than anybody else in the healthcare industry, better equipment of nurses with evidence-based practice is essential for improved patient care.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 3: Public Health Nursing

Globally, public health concerns from non-communicable diseases and environmental factors are increasing, and risk from communicable diseases is decreasing. In developing countries, the risk of communicable diseases still prevails. Nurses must play roles in both situations; in prevention and control of communicable diseases, as well as in addressing non-communicable diseases and environmental risk factors.

Special Talk: COVID-19 effects on nursing practice will also be discussed in this session.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 4: Emergency Nursing

The global incidence of trauma and emergency medical cases are on the rise, mainly due to road traffic accidents, violence, sudden illnesses, drowning and animal bites. Risks of natural and man-made disasters are also prevalent. Hence, the requirement for skilled emergency service nurses is also increasing. Nurses will need rapid assessment and decision-making skills, the requirements and research for which will be discussed in this session.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 5: Geriatric and Palliative Nursing

According to WHO, every year, around 40 million people require palliative care, out of which 78% live in developing and underdeveloped countries. Only 14% people receive the palliative care they require. The need for palliative nursing is increasing, due to the rise in non-communicable diseases and the world’s ageing population. Sub-standard training and lack of awareness of palliative care is prevalent among nurses, the solutions and opportunities for which will be discussed in this session.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 6: Cancer Nursing

Despite tons of research and a $147 billion drug market, cancer is still the second leading cause of death worldwide. The risk factors include dietary changes, environmental factors, lifestyle transitions, viral infections etc. Nursing care is required for the increasing number of patients and for creating awareness and prevention of dietary, lifestyle and occupational factors in reducing the risk of cancer.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 7: Mental Health Nursing

One-fourth of the people in the world are affected by mental health problems at some point in their lives. Still, two-thirds of people with a known mental disorder never seek medical attention. The stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health issues prevents people from seeking mental health care. In this session, possible solutions for such stigma and the effects on psychiatric nurses themselves will be discussed.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 8: Midwifery, Neonatal Care and Pediatric Nursing

The assistance of midwives and neonatal nurses during pregnancy, birth and after birth is essential to prevent complications and deaths. They also ensure that the mother and the baby receive good care in these times. Each year, 358,000 women die during pregnancy or labor, and around 2 million newborn babies die shortly after birth, due to insufficient care. Possible solutions to expand midwifery and neonatal care in various countries shall be discussed in this session.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 9: Surgical Nursing

Globally, 266.2 to 359.5 million operations were performed in 2012 alone, which is 38% higher than the previous years. The estimate is expected to increase in the upcoming years. This session based on researches, case reports and evidence obtained in planning, implementation and evaluation of treatment of the patient.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 10: Men in Nursing

Despite the stigma attached to it, more men are taking up nursing as their profession. Currently, only 7% of nurses are males. Though male nurses can specialize in all fields, men dominate as nurse anesthetists, with a 41.7% representation globally. Many male nurses also prefer Travel Nursing due to its higher pay scale and flexibility. This session focusses on the scope, advantages of men in nursing and possible ways to encourage more male students take up nursing as their profession.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 11: Holistic Nursing

Holistic Nursing refers to a kind of nursing practice which focuses on treating the patient as a whole as opposed to merely treating the symptoms of their present condition. A holistic nurse, also called a complementary health nurse, is a board-certified RN who takes a mind-body-spirit-emotion approach to the practice of traditional nursing. Holistic nurses often employ alternative forms of medicine alongside traditional Western medicine in their practice. This may include dietary advice, acupuncture, therapeutic massage, and meditation therapy. Those practicing holistic nursing often will encourage patients to integrate self-care, self-responsibility, spirituality, and reflection into their lives so as to help maintain a proper balance of mind, body, and spirit.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 12: Healthcare and Nursing Management

The first consideration when it comes to nursing management is what it entails. Managerial nurses must not only be able to play a leading role in making vital decisions in patient care, but are also expected to carry out defined duties to support the wider nursing team. Working in nursing management is a varied and diverse role, where no two days are the same. You will be responsible for leading a team of nurses and healthcare practitioners, advising them in patient care, as well as supporting their own needs on a daily basis. Nurse managers are also major proponents of holistic care for patients, particularly long-term patients or those with chronic conditions. Besides this, nurses in management roles are responsible for a range of administrative duties from managing patient records to recruiting new members of staff.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 13: Nursing Education and Research

Nursing Research is a logical examination of an issue of significance to the field of Nursing. It is a methodical request intended to create reliable evidence about issues of significance to nursing, including nursing practice, instruction, organization, and informatics. It is fundamental for the improvement of exact information that empowers nurses to give evidence-based considerations. Nursing calling is responsible for giving top notch, financially savvy care for patients and families.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 14: Risk Factors in Nursing and Healthcare Professionals

Workplace violence represents a significant health and safety concern for all workers, however care employees above all face significantly high risk factor. Health and work industries account for 48% of all non-fatal injuries from activity assaults and violent acts. Within the healthcare setting, bound environments are a lot more susceptible to geographical point violence than others. Medical specialty units and emergency departments, as an example, have the highest proportion of prevalence. It's necessary that care employees recognize specific risk factors so as to avoid or manage probable violent situations. Once workers/members are tuned into any external and internal threats, they are highly notable applicable pointers and policies will mitigate their risk. Understanding geographical point violence within the care setting will be the benchmark for making secure surroundings for workers, patients and visitors.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences

Session 15: Advanced Nursing Practice

Advanced follow nursing pratices helps in coordinating patient care and might give primary and specialty health care as per the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Though the precise scope of follow is outlined on a state level and can so vary depending on wherever you reside, they add a large variety of attention-seeking patients care, as well as hospitals, physicians’ offices, nursing care facilities, schools, and clinics. Today’s advanced-practice nurses (APNs) perform tasks once reserved for medical doctors. They assist alternative medical professionals and manage patient care, and concentrate on fields such as medicine, oncology, and family practice. There are several opportunities in advanced follow nursing with the present nursing shortage and demand for qualified health professionals. APNs not solely create an honest living but given a chance to nursing, they conjointly fancy the daily reward of serving to patients convalescent from ill health and procedures.

Recommended: Nursing Conference | Nursing Practice Conference 2021 | Nursing Meeting 2021 | Asian Nursing Conferences | Nursing Events 2021 | International Nursing Conferences | Tokyo Nursing Conference | Nursing Congress | Nursing Seminar | Nursing Workshop | Japan Nursing Conferences | Top Nursing Conferences 2021| Top Nursing Conferences | Nursing Research Society | Nurse Educator Conferences 2021 | Nursing Conference Themes | Nursing Events near me | Best Nursing Conference | Nursing Conference Topics | Nursing Symposium | World Nursing Conferences


Young Research Forum (YRF)

Prestigious Award for Young Research’s at Nursing Education 2021 – “Technology Innovations in Nursing Education and Healthcare”

Nursing Education 2021 Committee is glad to announce “58th World Nursing Conference” on November 16-17, 2021 in Tokyo,Japan focusing on the theme: “Technology Innovations in Nursing Education and Healthcare” Nursing Education 2021 developments are maintaining their momentum. Nursing Conference program delves into strategic discussions.

Nursing Education 2021Young Scientist Awards:

Nursing Education 2021 Committee is intended to honour prestigious award for talented Young researchers, scientists, Young Investigators, Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, Junior faculty in recognition of their outstanding contribution towards the conference theme. The Young Scientist Awards make every effort in providing a strong professional development opportunity for early career academicians by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences on all aspects of Nursing.

Young Research’s Awards at Nursing Education 2021 for the Nomination: Young Researcher Forum - Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation, only 25 presentations acceptable at Nursing Education 2021 young research forum. 


  • Young Scientist Award recongination certificate and memento to the winners.

  • Our conferences provide best Platform for your research through oral presentations.

  • Learn about career improvement with all the latest technologies by networking.

  • Young Scientists will get appropriate and timely information by this Forum.

  • Platform for collaboration among young researchers for better development.

  • Provide an opportunity for research interaction and established senior investigators across the globe in the field.

  • Share the ideas with both eminent researchers and mentors.

  • It’s a great privilege for young researchers to learn about the research areas for expanding their research knowledge. 


  • Young Investigators, Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, Junior faculty with a minimum of 5 years of research experience

  • Presentation must be into scientific sessions of the conference.

  • Each Young Researcher / Young Scientist can submit only one paper (as first author or co-author).

  • All submissions must be in English.

Market Analysis

Nursing Eduaction 2021 welcomes attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world. We are delighted to invite you all to attend and register for the World Advanced Nursing Conference. To provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute towards the development and productivity of their communities.

Our organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at the Nursing Education 2021, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. All members of Nursing Education 2021 organizing committee look forward to meeting you in Tokyo, Japan.

Importance & Scope of Advanced Nursing:

Nurses are the largest group of practicing professionals. It is one of the most demanding nursing specialties. A nurse, also referred to as a theatre nurse, specializes in preoperative care which means they provide care to patients before, during and after surgery. Perioperative nurses work closely with Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, Nurse Anesthetists, Surgeon's Assistants, Surgical Technologists, and Nurse Practitioners.

This review describes the latest techniques and how they are used to customize the surgery to the needs of the individual patient. Advanced Nurse that can be relevant to general nursing or to specialized areas including mental health nursing, pediatric nursing and post-operatory nursing. During a surgical procedure a surgical assistant function in the role of a second physician in the operating room. Nurse education has undergone a process of diversification towards advanced and specialized credentials. Medical nurses can manage five to seven patients, plus the ones they have admitted and discharged throughout the day.

Benefits of Nursing Education 2021

It will provide exposure to the on-going researches in Nursing. It will also provide insight to the novel inventions and techniques. It is very beneficial for the student Nurses and fellowship owners because it provides knowledge in the field. It also gives opportunities to the companies to showcase their products and have face to face meetings with scientists increasing their business opportunities. It also gives companies to know about their market competitors. There may be a whole host of other reasons.

Why Japan?

Requirements of Advanced Nursing in Japan are that candidates have completed twelve years of basic academic study and then three years of basic Nursing Education 2021. Public health nurses and midwives require a minimum of one additional year of specialized study. After completing their studies, students must pass the national licensing examination and obtain a license from the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare in the case of nurses, or from the prefectural governor, for nurse assistants. Foreign nurses who wish to work in Japan are required to pass the licensing examination and obtain a Japanese nursing license.

To become a registered nurse in Japan, candidates must first obtain a high school degree and then either enroll in a nursing university for four years and earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN); attend a junior nursing college for three years, earning an Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN); or study at a nursing training school for three years and obtain a diploma.

Associations and Societies in Japan:

  • Japanese Nursing Association
  • International Council of Nurses
  • Japanese Nursing Association
  • International Confederation of Midwives.

Market growth of Nursing Research in the last and upcoming ten years:

The past three decades have witnessed a remarkable growth in nursing development. In both Korea and the United States, nurse scientists are poised to address important issues related to the prevention and management of significant health care problems. The need for greater nursing development in the areas of self-management, genetics, and geriatrics, health promotion across the lifespan, technology, and mental health are briefly highlighted. Future research efforts will be enhanced by interdisciplinary collaboration and the creation of international nursing research centers. At the same time, we need to remain cognizant of the importance of mentoring future Nursing Education 2021.

Associations and Societies globally

  • Canadian Nurses Association
  • Indian Nursing Council
  • Japanese Nursing Association
  • Nursing Association of Nepal
  • Nursing Council of New Zealand
  • Nursing and Midwifery Council
  • New Zealand Nurses Organization
  • Philippine Nurses Association
  • Philippine Nurses Association of United Kingdom
  • Nursing & Midwifery Council United
  • Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing

Targeted Audience

Nurse Practitioners / Registered Nurses / Nurses, Nurse Associations, Physicians, Healthcare Scientists and Professors, Health Care Researchers, Doctors / Pediatricians / Surgeons / Hospital Nurse staff / Faculty of Nursing.


Abstract Submission Criteria


Participating authors are answerable for registration, travel, and hotel costs. Note: Those with submitted abstracts will get an acknowledgment mail enabling them to enrol for the gathering.

Abstracts will be compiled, and conference books are made available to participants at the conference.


Oral paper introductions will have 30-minute schedule time slot. The keynote session will have for 45-minute presentation duration, workshop/special session will have 1-hour long schedule opening and symposium will have 1-hour long availability followed by 5-minute Q&A session.

Graduate and master’s understudies are qualified to present their abstracts under poster and e-poster presentation category.

Ph.D. understudies are qualified to submit their abstract under special YRF (Young Researcher's Forum), poster and e-poster presentation category.

NOTE: YRF category includes short oral presentation especially for Ph. D. students

Extended abstract: Submissions should utilize the Abstract Template. Papers submitted in this category may represent original empirical research, theoretical development, reviews, or critiques.

Past Conference Report

Euro Nursing Education 2020

Scientific group is overwhelmed to announce its “57th Nursing and Nursing Practice”. Euro Nursing Education 2020 has been intended to address nursing and Health care related researchers to join and uncover the best procedures and medications to settle the seriously sick patients and enhancing the survival of injury casualties around the world. GNE-2020 gives a worldwide stage for exchanging thoughts and continues refreshing about the most recent advancements in nursing and their Practices.

Past Reports  Gallery  

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date August 22-23, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Advanced Practices in Nursing Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by